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Honeywell Barcode Scanner - Wireless - White

Honeywell Barcode Scanner - Wireless - White


Honeywell’s most advanced area-imaging scanner, has been enhanced to deliver color imaging. Featuring Honeywell’s ColorFusion™ Technology and a custom sensor that is optimized for bar code scanning color offers industry-leading innovation, performance and reliability. Color imaging unlocks a new world of functionality. It allows enterprises to read color bar codes that were previously unreadable, such as a red bar code on a white background. Additionally, it eliminates the need to use a separate digital camera for color image capture, enabling streamlined workflow and improved productivity. Provides color imaging functionality without sacrificing bar code scanning performance, ensuring that enterprises can meet the data capture needs of today and tomorrow. Paired with advanced software algorithms that are optimized to take advantage of the scanner’s custom image sensor, ColorFusion Technology enables color image capture without negatively impacting the aggressive bar code scanning enabled by Adaptus® Imaging Technology 6.0. A new space-saving design mounts critical components on a single board, eliminating the need for connectors. A more reliable design with fewer components minimizes downtime and improves serviceability. Its small form factor ensures that the scanner fits well in virtually any sized hand, reducing operator fatigue. Can withstand up to 50 drops to concrete from up to 6 feet. An IP41-rating provides added protection.


A custom sensor optimized for barcode scanning improves scanning aggressiveness and protects your investment by providing supply chain stability.
Three focal options (high density, standard range and extended range) provide application-specific scanning, leading to improved productivity.

Integrated image processing software offers advanced editing functionality – cropping, brightening, rotating, sharpening and more – to produce high-quality digital images.

Scan Pattern: Area Image (838 x 640 pixel array)
Motion Tolerance: Up to 610 cm/s (240 in/s) for 13 mil UPC at optimal focus
Scan Angle: HD Focus: Horizontal 41.4°; Vertical: 32.2° SR Focus: Horizontal: 42.4°; Vertical: 33° ER Focus: Horizontal: 31.6°; Vertical: 24.4°
Symbol Contrast: 20% minimum reflectance difference Pitch, Skew: 45°, 65°
Decode Capability: Reads standard 1D, PDF, 2D, Postal and OCR symbologies
* Note: Decode capabilities dependent on kit configuration Warranty: Five-year factory warranty

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