Secure Lead

Apple Developer Program as an Organization


Register for the Apple Developer Program as an organization to publish your app to the App Store.


To enroll in the Apple Developer Program as an organization, your Apple ID must be associated with an email address using your organization’s domain name.

STEP 1. Apple ID

If you don’t have an Apple ID go to Step 2.

If you already have an Apple ID, go to Step 3.

STEP 2. Create your Apple ID

Go the the Apple ID creation page.

Create your Apple ID

  • Complete the form and security questions.
  • You'll receive a verification code by email.
  • Enter the verification code to validate your account creation.

Register developer program

  • Once you have your Apple ID, you can continue to Step 3.

STEP 3. D-U-N-S Number

  • If you don’t have a D-U-N-S Number, go to Step 4.
  • If you already have a D-U-N-S Number, go to Step 5.

STEP 4. Request a D-U-N-S Number

Request a D-U-N-S Number here

Request a D-U-N-S Number

  • Complete the form.
  • Click Continue.
  • Check your email for the D-U-N-S Number.

D-U-N-S Number

STEP 5. Register as a developer

You can register as a developer here.

  • Click on the Start your Enrollment button.
  • Read and accept the Apple Developer Agreement.
  • Click Submit.

Register as a developer

STEP 6. Join the Apple Developer Program

  • You can sign up for the Apple Developer Program here.

Join the Apple Developer Program

STEP 7. Enroll as an organization

  • Click on the Start your Enrollment button.
  • Select Company / Organization from the Entity Type dropdown list.
  • Click Continue.

Apple Developer Program

  • Complete the form.
  • Click Continue.

Enroll as an organization

  • Apple has an internal verification process that usually takes up to six working days. Once Apple receives the enrollment request, they verify that you have the authority to bind your organization to the Apple Developer Program's legal agreements.
  • Apple generally calls to verify that the main contact exists and has requested the Apple Developer Enterprise Program registration.
  • You'll then receive another email inviting you to complete the enrollment process.

Apple verification

STEP 8. Complete your purchase

  • Once your enrollment request has been accepted, you can then proceed to payment.

Complete your purchase

  • When you have completed your purchase, you'll receive an email confirming your membership in the program.

Congratulations! You are now ready to publish applications to the App Store!