4680 E Los Angeles Ave. Ste C, Simi Valley, VA 93063
BR Merchant Service LLC is a registered ISO of Citizens
Bank, NA, Providence, RI
Referral |
Lead Source |
Member Bank (Acquirer) Citizen's Bank N.A. |
Authorization Network |
Settlement Network |
Office Name |
Office Phone |
Application ID |
Application Date (MM / DD / YYYY) |
Contractor Name |
Association |
/ / |
Business / Tax Information |
Name (As it appears on your Federal Income TaxReturn) |
Federal Tax ID (As it appears on your Federal Income Tax Return) |
Client’s Legal or Corporate Name (Must correspond with IRS Filing Name) |
Client’s Business Name (Doing Business As) |
Mailing / Billing Address Line 1 |
Location Address Line 1 (If different than Mailing / Billing) |
Mailing / Billing Address 2 (Apt, Bldg, Fl, STE, Unit, RM, Dept, etc.) |
Location Address Line 2 (If different than Mailing / Billing) |
City, State and Zip Code |
City, State and Zip Code |
Primary Contact Name |
Primary Contact Phone |
Location Phone |
Location Fax |
( ) - |
( ) - |
( ) - |
Primary Email Address (All Merchants Are Required to Provide a Valid Email Address) |
Business Web Site (URL) |
Date Business Started (MM / DD / YYYY) |
Length of Current Ownership |
Customer Service Phone Number |
/ / |
( ) - |
Business SIC Code |
Existing MID (If Applicable) |
Number of Locations |
Store Number |
Sole Proprietor |
C Corporation |
S Corporation |
Partnership |
Non – Profit |
Trust | Estate |
LLC Sole Proprietor |
LLC C Corporation |
LLC S Corporation |
LLC Partnership |
Non – US Entity |
State Filed: |
I certify that I am a Foreign Entity / Non-Resident Alien (If checked, please attached IRS Form W-8) |
Failure to prov ide accurate information may result in a withholding of merchant funding per IRS Regulations (Refer to Section9.05 of the Terms and Conditions)
Owner(s) / Controlling Manager(s) (if different) |
(For any other individuals with 25% or more ownership, please complete Additional Beneficial Owner Form.) |
Last Name |
First Name |
M.I. |
Last Name |
First Name |
M.I. |
Percentage of Ownership |
Date of Birth (MM / DD / YYYY) |
Percentage of Ownership |
Date of Birth (MM / DD / YYYY) |
/ / |
/ / |
Residential Address |
Residential Address |
City, State and Zip Code |
City, State and Zip Code |
Phone |
Social Security Number (SSN) |
Phone |
Social Security Number (SSN) |
( ) - |
- - |
( ) - |
- - |
Length of Ownership |
Length of Ownership |
Authorization to ACH (Checking Accounts ONLY. Must include voided business check for each account)
Bank Name: |
Branch: |
Branch Phone: ( ) - |
Depository: |
Merchant’s batch activity will be put into this account. |
Routing #: |
Account #: |
Fees: |
Merchant’s monthly fees / necessary charges will be taken from this account. |
Routing #: |
Account #: |
Acquirer Name: |
Citizens Bank |
Acquirer Address: |
One Citizens Plaza |
Acquirer City: |
Providence |
Acquirer St, Zip: |
RI, 02903 |
Acquirer Phone: |
(888) 211-4057 |
Merchant Name: |
Merchant Address: |
Merchant City: |
Merchant St, Zip: |
Merchant Phone: |
( ) - |
1. An American Express® / Discover® / Mastercard® / Visa® Member is the only entity approved to extend acceptance of American Express / Discover / Mastercard / Visa products directly to a merchant. |
2. An American Express / Discover / Mastercard / Visa Member must be a principal (signer) to your Merchant Agreement. |
3. The American Express / Discover / Mastercard / Visa Member is responsible for educating Merchant on the pertinent American Express / Discover / Mastercard / Visa Operating Regulations with which the Merchant must comply. |
4. The American Express / Discover / Mastercard / Visa Member is responsible for and must provide settlement funds to the merchant. |
5. The American Express / Discover / Mastercard / Visa Member is responsible for all funds held in reserve that are derived from settlement. |
1. Ensure compliance with cardholder data security and storage requirements. |
2. Maintain Fraud and Chargeback rates below the thresholds. |
3. Review and Understand the terms of the Merchant Agreement |
4. Comply with American Express® / Discover® / Mastercard® / Visa® Operating Regulations. |
The responsibilities listed above do not supercede terms of the Merchant Agreement and are provided to ensure the merchant understands some important obligations of each party and that the American Express/Discover/Visa/Masterc ard member (Acquirer) is the ultimate authority should the merchant have any problems.
Signature |
Printed Name |
Title |
Date (MM / DD / YYYY) |
X |
/ / |
Application for Merchant Account – BANKCARD Pag e 1 of 17 REV01-OCT-2024
PLEASE NOTE: The complete BANKCARD Merchant Agreement includes this application and the terms and conditions on fourteen (14) additional pages.
Underwriting Profile
Business Ty pe
Internet MOTO Retail Restaurant
Seasonal High-Volume Months (Circle All That Apply)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Products or Services Sold
Return Policy
Day s Until Product Delivery
Monthly Volume Average Ticket Highest Ticket
$ $ $
Discount Paid: Daily Monthly Current Processor:
Method of Sales (Total Must = 100%)
% Of Products Sold (Total Must = 100%)
Card Present Swiped Card Present Imprint Card Not Present
% % %
Consumer Sales Business Sales Government Sales
% % %
Billing Questionnaire
Please explain y our billing / delivery policy: |
Full payment up front with days until product / service delivery. |
Partial payment up front with % and within days until final product / service delivery. |
Payment received after product / service is provided. |
If product / service delivery requires recurring billing, please explain available billing options: Monthly Quarterly Semi–Annually Annually |
Is any part of your business outsourced to a third-party? Yes No | If yes, please explain: |
Rates (Charged by Processor) |
Visa® Credit |
% |
$ 0.00 |
PT |
CP |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
Visa® Check Card |
% |
$ 0.00 |
PT |
CP |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
Mastercard® Credit |
% |
$ 0.00 |
PT |
CP |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
Mastercard® Check Card |
% |
$ 0.00 |
PT |
CP |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
Discover® |
% |
$ 0.00 |
PT |
CP |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
American Express® Credit |
% |
$ 0.00 |
PT |
CP |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
% + $ |
PIN Debit |
% |
$ 0.00 |
PT |
CP |
% + $ |
* FANF CP and FANF CNP are based on prior month’s Visa® CNP volume, number of locations processing Visa® and TaxID. For further information on FANF and MSP NetworkFee, please go to https://support.paya.com
By checking this box, Merchant Opts Out of receiving future commercial marketing communications from American Express® **
** Note that you may continue to receive marketing communications while American Express® updates it’s records to reflect your choice. Opting Out of commercial marketing communications will not preclude you from receiving important transactional or relationship messages from American Express®.
Other Entitlements |
Card Ty pe |
Request |
Existing Account |
American Express® |
Fee Schedule (Charged by Processor) |
$ |
Item f or Visa ® / Mastercard® Transactions |
$ |
Monthly Statement |
$ |
Item f or American Express® Transactions |
$ |
Monthly Support |
$ |
Item f or Discover® (JCB) Transactions |
$ |
Monthly Minimum |
$ |
Item f or PIN Debit Transactions |
$ |
Monthly Gateway Access |
$ |
Item f or EBT Transactions |
$ |
Monthly Debit Access |
$ 0.03 |
Level 3 |
$ |
Monthly Wireless Access |
$ |
$ |
Monthly Advanced Fraud Protection |
$ |
Voice Authorization |
$ |
Monthly Account Updater |
$ 0.035 |
Address Verification System (AVS) Per Inquiry |
$ |
Monthly PCI Non-Compliance Fee |
$ |
Advanced Fraud Protection (Per Item) |
$ |
Stmt Mailing & Handling Fee |
$ |
Account Updater for Visa (Per Item) |
$ |
Pay a EMV Mobile Monthly Access (First 5 Users) |
$ |
Account Updater for Mastercard (Per Item) |
$ |
Pay a EMV Mobile Monthly Access (Ea. Additional 5 Users) |
$ |
Account Updater for Discover (Per Item) |
$ |
Annual Assessment |
$ |
Account Updater for American Express (Per Item) |
$ |
PCI Annual Fee |
$ 0.02 |
Acquirer Processing Fee for Visa Transactions |
$ |
Chargeback (Per Occurrence) |
$ 0.20 |
Data Integrity Fee for Visa Transactions |
$ 7.50 |
Retrievals |
$ 0.02 |
Network Access and Brand Usage for Mastercard |
$80.00 |
Annual PIN Debit Fee |
$ 0.02 |
Data Usage for Discover Transactions |
$ 2.50 |
MSP Network Fee |
$ |
PCI Listed P2PE Fee (Per Item) |
$ 3.00 |
Mastercard Cybersecurity Fee |
$ 2.50 |
Merchant Location Fee for Mastercard |
$ 5.00 |
Monthly Voltage Encryption Fee (Per Device) |
$ |
Interchange Advantage Program |
$ |
PCI Listed P2PE Monthly Fee (Per Device) |
$ |
Account Updater Enrollment Fee |
0.140 % |
Assessments | Visa | Credit Card Transactions |
$ |
Application Credit |
0.130 % |
Assessments | Visa | Check Card Transactions |
$ |
Equipment |
0.130 % |
Assessments | Mastercard |
$ |
Pay a Mobile Setup Fee (One-Time Fee) |
0.140 % |
Assessments | Mastercard | Large Ticket ($1K & >) |
$ |
Pay a Monthly Setup Per Additional Device (One-Time Fee) |
0.140 % |
Assessments | Discover |
$ |
PCI Listed P2PE Activation Fee (Per Device) |
0.020 % |
Mastercard Digital Enablement Fee |
$ |
Teletraining – Physical |
0.165 % |
$ |
Teletraining – Virtual |
0.300 % |
American Express Non-Swiped / Digital Wallet Fee |
$ |
Wireless Setup |
% |
Monthly Clearing |
Ty pe |
Quantity |
Ty pe |
Quantity |
Part Condition |
Part Condition |
Provider |
New Refurbished Existing |
New Refurbished Existing |
Merchant ISO Paya |
Retail |
Supermarket |
Hotel |
Restaurant |
Serv er |
PROVIDER: Merchant ISO Paya |
Tips |
Invoice # |
Purchase Card |
AMEX / PIP (Visa net/Paymentech w/Amex software) additional paperwork required. |
MOTO (Card Not Present) |
Auto Close: |
CVV Split Dial (Visa net Only) NXT (Paymentech Only) addl. paperwork required |
By signing below, the Merchant named: (1) certifies to Pay a that he/she is authorized to sign this Agreement; (2) certifies that all information and documents submitted in connection with this Application are true and complete; (3) authorizes Bank or its agent to verify any of the information given, including credit references, and to obtain credit reports (including a spouse if in a community property state); (4) has read, agreed to, and acknowledges receipt of the terms and conditions of the Merchant Processing Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The terms and conditions and this Application constitute the entire integrated Merchant Processing Agreement by and between Merchant, Pay a and Bank; (5) agrees that Merchant and each transaction submitted to Bank will be bound by the Agreement in its entirety ; and (6) agrees that Merchant will submit transactions to Bank only in accordance with the information in this Application and will immediately inform Pay a, in writing at the address above if any information in this Application changes. The Agreement will become effective only when signed by Bank and Pay a. Merchant further acknowledges that, as used in this paragraph, “Bank” means the banking institution identified at the top of the first page of this document as the Member Bank (Acquirer).
By signing below, I represent that the information I have provided on the Application is complete and accurate and I authorize American Express Travel Related Serv ices Company, Inc (American Express) to verify the information on this Application and to receive and exchange information about me, including, requesting reports from consumer reporting agencies. If I ask American Express whether or not a consumer report was requested, American Express will tell me, and if American Express received a report, American Express will give me the name and address of the agency that furnished it. I understand that upon American Express’ approval of the business entity indicated above to accept the American Express Card, the Terms and Conditions f or American Express Card Acceptance (“Terms and Conditions”) will be sent to such business entity along with a Welcome Letter. By accepting the American Express card f or the purchase of goods and/or serv ices, you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions.
Merchant Principal or Corporate Officer (1) |
Signature |
Printed Name |
Title |
Date |
X |
/ / |
Merchant Principal or Corporate Officer (2) |
Signature |
Printed Name |
Title |
Date |
X |
/ / |
Paya |
Signature |
Printed Name |
Title |
Date |
X |
/ / |
In consideration of Bank and Pay a’s acceptance of the Agreement, the undersigned Guarantor (jointly and severally if more than one) unconditionally guarantees the performance of all obligations of Merchant to Bank and Pay a under the Agreement, and payment of all sums due thereunder, and in the event of default, hereby waives notice of default and agrees to indemnify Bank and Pay a f or all funds due from Merchant pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. This is a guaranty of payment and performance and not of collection, and in no case will Pay a be required to attempt collection from Company or pursue any other remedy or action before collection from Guarantor. Guarantor waives any and all rights of subrogation, reimbursement or indemnity derived from Merchant and all other rights and defenses available to Guarantor under applicable law, including California Civ il Code Sections 2787 to 2856, inclusive (or any similar surety ship laws), and further waives any and all rights, defenses or notices arising by reason of any modification or change in the terms of the Agreement whatsoever, including, without limitation, the renewal, extension, acceleration, or other change in the time any payment or other performance thereunder is due, and / or any change in any interest or discount rate or fee thereunder. Guarantor confirms that Guarantor, collectively or individually , is an officer or shareholder to the Merchant and party to the Agreement, and unconditionally and specifically authorizes Bank, or its authorized agent, to debit any overdue fees, costs, chargebacks, fines, penalties, expenses or obligations under the Agreement and / or any contractual relationship with Bank or Pay a f rom any personal checking account or other account owned or controlled by Guarantor, and further to report any default hereunder on Guarantor’s personal Credit Bureau Report. Guarantor agrees to pay all costs and expenses of whatever nature, including attorney s’ fees and other legal expenses, incurred by or on behalf of Bank or Pay a in connection with the enforcement of this Guaranty . Guarantor further acknowledges that, as used in this paragraph, “Bank” means the banking institution indicated by appropriate mark in one of the check boxes located at the top of the first page of this document.
Merchant Principal or Corporate Officer (1) |
Signature |
Printed Name |
Title |
Date |
X |
/ / |
Merchant Principal or Corporate Officer (2) |
Signature |
Printed Name |
Title |
Date |
X |
/ / |
Site Inspection Information (To be completed by Sales Representative) |
I have personally conducted a site inspection for this merchant, visually inspected the merchant’s inventory (if applicable) and represent the information in this merchant application is accurate and complete. |
Location Ty pe: |
Merchant: |
Signature |
Printed Name |
Title |
Date |
X |
/ / |
“Discover” means DFS Services, LLC.
“EMV” means Europay, Mastercard and Visa.
“Payment Brand” means any payment method accepted by Paya for processing, including, without limitation, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express and other credit and debit card providers, debit network providers, gift card, and other stored value and loyalty program providers.
“PCI DSS” means the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards available at http://www.pcisecuritystandards.org, as amended from time to time.
Card Acceptance. When accepting a Card for a face-to-face Transaction, Merchant will follow the steps provided by Bank and Paya, and will: (a) Examine the Card for the Cardholder’s signature and if the Card is not signed, request identification to confirm that the Cardholder is the person he/she purports to be and determine in good faith and to the best of its ability that the Card is valid on its face; (b) Check the effective date (if any) and the expiration date of the Card, examine any card security features (such as a hologram) included on the Card; and (c) Obtain Authorization before completing any Transaction (where Authorization is obtained, Merchant will be deemed to warrant the true identity of the customer as the Cardholder); (d) Reserved; (e) Enter a description of the goods or services sold and the price thereof (including any applicable taxes); (f) As required by the Rules, obtain the Cardholder’s signature on the Sales Draft and compare that signature to the signature on the Card; (g) Deliver a true and completed copy of the Sales Draft to the Cardholder at the time of delivery of the goods or performance of the services, or if the Sales Draft is prepared by a point-of-sale terminal, at the time of the sale; and (h) Provide the Sales Draft to the Cardholder following the purchase.. In addition, for Mastercard Transactions, Merchant will legibly reproduce the name of the Card Issuer as it appears on the face of the Card. Each Sales Draft presented to Bank for collection shall be genuine and will not be the result of any fraudulent Transaction or telemarketing sale and shall not be deposited on behalf of any business other than Merchant. Each Sales Draft presented to Bank for collection shall be genuine and will not be the result of any fraudulent or illegal Transaction or telemarketing sale and shall not be deposited on behalf of any business other than Merchant.
(iii) encrypt stored data; (iv) encrypt data sent across networks; (v) use and regularly update anti-virus software; (vi) restrict access to data to business “need to know;” (vii) assign a unique ID to each person with computer access to data; (viii) do not use vendor supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters; (ix) track access data by unique ID; (x) maintain a policy that addresses information security for employees and contractors; and (xi) restrict physical access to Cardholder information. Merchant shall notify Paya if it utilizes any third party that provides payment related services, directly or indirectly and/or stores transmits, or processes Cardholder data and Merchant is responsible ensuring compliance of any such third parties with PCI DSS. (d) To the extent Merchant is required under the Rules, or Merchant otherwise elects, to utilize EMV chip-capable terminals, all EMV chip-capable terminals used by Merchant must appear on the EMV co- approved terminal list maintained by the Payment Brands. (e) In the event of the failure, including bankruptcy, insolvency, or other suspension of Merchant’s business operations, Merchant shall not sell, transfer, or disclose any materials that contain Cardholder account numbers, personal information, or other Transaction information to third parties. Merchant and/or its agent shall either return this information to Paya or provide Paya with acceptable proof of destruction of this information. (f) If Merchant is undergoing a forensic investigation regarding PCI DSS compliance at the time Merchant executes this Agreement, then Merchant shall fully cooperate with the investigation until completed. Paya warrants that it complies with the applicable required PCI DSS regulations and that Paya is a PCI DSS Validated Service Provider.
Advertising. (a) Merchant will prominently display the promotional materials provided by Bank and Paya in its place(s) of business. Use of promotional materials and use of any trade name, trademark, service mark or logotype (“Marks”) associated with Card(s) shall be limited to informing the public that Card(s) will be accepted at Merchant’s place(s) of business. Merchant’s use of promotional materials and Marks is subject to the direction of Bank and Paya and must be utilized in accordance with the Rules; (b) Merchant may use promotional materials and Marks during the term of this Agreement and shall immediately cease use and return any inventory to Bank or Paya upon any termination thereof; (c) Merchant shall not use any promotional materials or Marks associated with any Payment Brand in any way which implies that the Payment Brand endorses any goods or services other than Card services and Merchant shall not refer to any Payment Brand in stating eligibility for Merchant’s products or services. Merchant’s rights to use the Marks shall terminate with termination of this Agreement and Merchant will cease all use of the Marks upon notification by the applicable Card association to discontinue use. Merchant shall be fully liable to Bank and/or Paya for any and all loss, cost and expenses suffered or incurred by Bank and/or Paya, arising out of failure to return or destroy such materials following termination or Merchant’s misuse of the Marks. If Merchant is a “Direct Mail Cardholder Solicitation Merchant,” then Merchant acknowledges that the trademark ‘Mastercard’ and the corresponding logotype are the property of Mastercard International Incorporated (herein, “the Corporation”). Merchant shall not infringe upon the mark or logo, nor otherwise use the mark or logo in such a manner as to create the impression that Merchant’s products or services are sponsored, produced, affiliated with, offered, or sold by this Corporation. Merchant shall not use the mark or logo on its stationery, letterhead, envelopes, or the like nor in its solicitation; provided, however, that Merchant may use one of the mark or logo in close proximity to the payment or enrollment space in the solicitation in a size not to exceed 1 1/4 inches in horizontal length if a logo is employed, or, if a mark is used, in type not to exceed the size of the type used in the major portion of the text on the same page; provided further that the legend, ‘Accepted for Payment’ must accompany the mark or logo used and must be the equivalent size of the mark or logo. In no case, however, shall Merchant use any of the logo on the front or first page of its solicitation. One truthful statement that Merchant is directing or limiting its offer to Mastercard
cardholders may appear in the body of the solicitation, other than in close proximity to the payment or enrollment space, subject to the limitation that: (i). only the word mark may be used; (ii) the word mark may not (1) exceed in type size the size of any other type on the same page, (2) differ in color from the type used in the text (as differentiated from the titles) on the same page, (3) be as large or as prominent as the name of Merchant, (4) be the first item appearing on any page, nor (5) in any other way be the most prominent element of the page; (iii) Merchant’s name and/or logo must appear prominently on the same page as the mark; and (iv) the following disclaimer must appear in close proximity to the mark on the same page and in an equal size and type of print: ‘Mastercard International Incorporated is not affiliated in any way with Merchant and has not endorsed or sponsored this offer.’ Merchant further agrees to submit its first direct mail solicitation(s), prior to mailing, to the Mastercard Law Department, to be reviewed only for compliance with this Corporation’s trademark rules and shall furthermore not distribute in any manner such solicitations until Merchant shall have obtained the Corporation’s written approval of the manner in which it uses Mastercard mark and logo on such solicitations. Merchant shall likewise, upon request, submit to the Corporation any amended solicitations prior to mailing.
(b) reserved rate and the Transaction amount, (c) exact name and location of lodging company, (d) that accommodations will be held for the number of nights paid for, and (e) Merchant’s cancellation policy. Merchant must determine the T&E Advance Deposit Transaction amount, not to exceed the cost of the intended length of stay, not to exceed 14 nights lodging. Deposit amounts must be applied to the total obligation. Merchant must provide a confirmation code, an advance deposit amount, cancellation policy and the actual date that cancellation privileges expire. Merchant must advise the Cardholder that it will hold accommodations according to the reservation and provide written confirmation of a Cardholder reservation if requested. Merchant must advise the Cardholder that it will retain the entire T&E Advance Deposit Transaction amount, or the amount specified in Merchant’s stated policy if the Cardholder does not check in by check-out time the day following the last night of lodging used to determine the deposit or cancel the reservation within the specified time frame. Merchant must complete a Transaction receipt with the following information: (i) advance deposit amount, (ii) the words “Advance Deposit” on the Transaction receipt signature line, (iii) confirmation code, (iv) scheduled check in, and (v) date and time that cancellation privileges (if any) expire without forfeiture. Merchant must mail the Cardholder a Transaction receipt copy within 3 days from the Transaction Date. Merchant shall mail to the Cardholder a Transaction receipt for cancellations within 3 days of the Transaction date. If the reserved accommodations are unavailable, Merchant must, at no charge, provide a complete refund of any deposit, comparable accommodations at an alternative establishment for the number of reserved nights not to exceed 14 or until the reserved accommodation become available, and transportation and two 3-minute telephone calls to the alternative establishment. Any Central Reservation Service must have a written contract with the lodging establishment executed by an officer of the hotel and must accept full responsibility for resolving Cardholder problems related to T&E Advance Deposit Service. The Rules include additional requirement for T&E merchants that provide car rentals or cruises.
(b) the Cardholder disputes his liability to Bank for any reason, including but not limited to those Chargeback rights enumerated in the Rules;
or (c) the Transaction giving rise to the Sales Draft was not directly between Merchant and the Cardholder. Bank will offset from payments due to Merchant, any amount previously credited to Merchant for a Sales Draft not accepted or later revoked by Bank and Paya. Merchant shall regularly and promptly review all statements of account, banking statements, and other communications sent to Merchant and shall immediately notify Paya if any discrepancy exists between Merchant’s records and those provided by Paya, the Merchant’s bank, or with respect to any transfer that Merchant believes was not authorized by Merchant or Cardholder. If Merchant fails to notify Paya in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date that Paya mails or otherwise provides a statement of account or other report of activity to Merchant, Merchant will be solely responsible for all losses or other costs associated with any erroneous or unauthorized transfer. The foregoing does not limit in any way Merchant’s liability for any breach of this Agreement.
Additional Requirements for Acceptance of Debit Cards. Merchant may honor at the locations set forth on the Application debit cards (“Debit Card”) serviced by the electronic funds transfer networks in connection with the sales (“Debit Card Sale”) of merchandise or services to the holders of such Debit Cards (“Debit Cardholders”). Bank and/or Paya agree to accept from Merchant via electronic transmission documents evidencing such Debit Card Sales (“Sales Transmittal”) and Adjustment Drafts (as defined below).
electronically print the authorization number on the Sales Transmittal. Merchant agrees that: (i) for each Debit Card Sale, the Debit Cardholder must enter his Personal Identification Number (“PIN”) through a PIN pad located at the point of sale (“POS”); (ii) each PIN pad will be situated to permit Debit Cardholders to input their PINs without revealing them to other persons, including Merchant's personnel; (iii) Merchant will instruct personnel (a) that they may not ask any Debit Cardholder to disclose the PIN and (b) in the event that any of Merchant's personnel nevertheless becomes aware of any Debit Cardholder’s PIN, such personnel will not use such PIN or create or maintain any record of such PIN, and will not disclose such PIN to any other person; (iv) the PIN message must be encrypted from the PIN pad to the POS terminal and from the POS terminal to the Network and back so that the PIN message will not be in the clear at any point in the Transaction;
(v) Merchant will comply with any other requirements relating to PIN security as required by Bank or by any Network; (vi) for each Debit Card Sale a Transaction receipt in conformity with Regulation E of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System will be made available to the Debit Cardholder; (vii) Merchant may not collect tax as a separate cash transaction; and (viii) POS terminals, including hardware and software, must be certified for use by Bank and by all of the Networks. POS terminals must include encrypted PIN pads which allow entry of up to sixteen-character PINs, printers and a keyboard lock function. Merchants are responsible for compliance with all Rules regarding the use of POS terminals, regardless of whether such POS terminals are obtained through Bank or through Paya. Merchant will promptly initiate a refund to the customer (which may be made in cash, by an Adjustment Draft or with a check or cashier’s check, as permitted by the Rules) whenever Merchant determines that a Debit Card Sale should be canceled or reversed. Merchant will cooperate with Bank and Paya, to resolve any alleged errors relating to Debit Card Sales. Merchant will maintain adequate records to assist in error resolution; records will be maintained for two years, or the period required by the Rules, whichever is greater. Merchant will permit and will pay all expenses of periodic examination and audit of functions at such frequency, as Paya deems appropriate. Audits will meet Paya’s standards, and the results will be made available to Paya. Merchant will not accept cash, checks or other negotiable items from any Debit Cardholder and forward a credit through any network (i.e., as a purported payment or deposit to an account maintained by the Debit Cardholder). Merchant will not forward through any network any Transaction or initiate any reversal of a Transaction that did not originate between Merchant and the Debit Cardholder.
Merchant on each debit, charge and credit processed to the Account. Merchant authorizes Bank to charge debits arising from this Agreement against any credit due Merchant, whether or not such charges create overdrafts or a debit balance in the Account. Merchant agrees to pay Bank or Paya, as applicable, the full amount of any such overdraft or debit balance or to replenish the Account in an amount sufficient to permit the amount of the charge to be made, as applicable, promptly upon request. Merchant further authorizes Bank to suspend in a segregated account amounts which otherwise would be credited to the Account if Bank or Paya reasonably believe that the Sales Transmittals submitted by Merchant are fraudulent. Bank or Paya will notify Merchant of the suspension of such amounts within a reasonable time; provided, however, that such notice will not be required if the appropriate law enforcement agency has been notified of the suspected fraud.
Applicability to this Agreement. In addition to all the other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of this Article IV shall apply if Merchant utilizes web services from Paya, including the Paya payments gateway, vault services, any application program interface, code samples, web services, integration specifications, and any offline components (collectively “ Web Services”).
Programming of Web Site. While Paya provides specific API’s or programming scripts to Merchant or Merchant’s Web site programmer(s), Merchant acknowledges that such sample programming scripts are insufficient in and of themselves to allow Merchant’s Web site to function with the Web Services. Programming of Merchant’s Web site and its functionality are the sole responsibility of Merchant.
Merchant’s Programming Agent. Merchant has the sole responsibility to select and employ any competent programming agent to accomplish the programming required to make Merchant’s Web site function correctly with the Web Services.
Fees Subject to Fluctuation. Fees for the electronic commerce payment system offered by Paya may be based on the number and/or volume of monthly transactions processed by the Merchant. Thus, notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the provisions of this Agreement which require notice prior to a change in fees shall not apply to any transactions or services covered by this Article 4.
Technical Support. Merchant shall be solely responsible for all technical support for Web site-related issues.
Shutdowns/Updates. Paya reserves the right, from time to time, without prior notice, to shut down and restart the Web Services for maintenance and/or Web Services upgrades or updates from time to time. Paya will use commercially reasonable efforts to keep service shutdowns as brief as possible. Merchant must monitor updates and upgrades to the Web Services and update Merchant’s Web site and programming accordingly.
Term: Termination. (a) Paya Merchant Processing Account shall have an initial term of three (3) years and Paya Mobile Payments Account shall have an initial term of one (1) month ( respectively the “Initial Term”) and shall commence on the earlier of (i) Paya’s acceptance hereof (evidenced by the execution of the Agreement by Paya); (ii) the date of written notice from Paya that Merchant’s application is approved for processing; or (iii) the date on which Merchant’s first Transaction is processed, and (iv) shall automatically renew as follows: (1) Paya Merchant Processing Account shall renew for consecutive (2) year terms; and (2) Paya Mobile Payments Account shall renew on a month-to-month basis (respectively the “Renewal Term”), and unless terminated as set forth below; (b) This Agreement may be terminated by any party effective at the end of the Initial or any Renewal Term by providing written notice to the other parties of its intent not to renew no less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the then-current term. Additionally, this Agreement may be terminated:
(i) by Paya and Bank at any time with or without cause, and without prior notice, and (ii) by Merchant in the event of a material breach of the terms of this Agreement by Paya and Bank, provided Merchant provides Paya and Bank written notice of the alleged breach and thebreach remains uncured for a period of 30 days following receipt of written notice by the breaching party. (c) Upon early termination of this Agreement by Merchant, or by Paya should Merchant breach any of the terms of this Agreement during the Initial Term or any Renewal Term, Merchant shall pay to Paya an early termination fee equal to (i) Paya Merchant Processing Account –twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for every month remaining in any such Term or Renewal Term for each Merchant location; (ii) Paya Mobile Payments Account - no early termination fee (respectively the "Early Termination Fee"). In addition to the Early Termination Fee, Merchant shall pay any fees, fines, third party costs or penalties which Paya may be assessed due to Merchant's breach of this Agreement and/or early termination. To the extent that applicable state law mandates lesser termination fees, the Early Termination Fee shall be the maximum allowed by applicable law. Merchant will not owe the Early Termination Fee if Merchant elects not to renew the Agreement upon the expiration of the then current term by providing written notice in accordance with this paragraph. All rights and obligations of the parties existing as of the effective time of termination will survive termination; (d) Within Paya’s and Bank’s sole discretion, if Merchant’s or any of its principal(s)’ business or personal credit deteriorates, if any significant circumstances exist that would create harm or loss to the goodwill of a card association or payment network system, or if any case or proceeding is commenced by or against Merchant under any federal or state law dealing with
insolvency, bankruptcy, receivership or other debt relief, this Agreement shall simultaneously therewith automatically terminate, and any amounts due to Bank and Paya shall accelerate and become immediately due and payable, without the necessity of any notice, declaration or other act whatsoever by Bank and Paya. Merchant agrees to notify Paya and/or Bank immediately of any bankruptcy, receivership, insolvency, or similar action initiated by or against Merchant.
Agreement including, without limitation, all rights to receive any payments or credits under this Agreement; and (v) all Merchant deposit accounts now owned or hereafter acquired and the proceeds of all of the foregoing (collectively, the “Secured Assets”). Upon request of Bank and Paya, Merchant will execute one or more financing statements or other documents to evidence this security interest. Merchant irrevocably authorizes bank to execute any financing statements or other documents necessary related to this security interest. Merchant represents and warrants that no other party has a security interest in the Secured Assets. These security interests and liens will secure all of Merchant’ s obligations under this Agreement and any other agreements between Merchant, Paya and Bank including, but not limited to, Merchant’s obligation to pay any amounts due to Bank and Paya. With respect to such security interests and liens, Bank and Paya will have all rights afforded under the Uniform Commercial Code, any other applicable law and in equity. Merchant will obtain from Bank and Paya written consent prior to granting a security interest of any kind in the Secured Assets to a third party; (b) Paya may establish and maintain a non- interest- b e ar in g account (“Reserve Account”) in the name of Bank at any federally insured financial institution, with sums provided by Merchant that are sufficient to satisfy Merchant’s current or future obligations as determined by Bank and Paya: (i) Bank and Paya shall have the right to initiate a debit to the Account or any other account at any institution to establish or maintain funds in the Reserve Account. Bank or Paya may deposit into the Reserve Account funds they would otherwise be obligated to pay Merchant, for the purpose of establishing or maintaining the Reserve Account in accordance with this Section, if they determine such action is reasonably necessary to protect their interests; (ii) Bank, on its own behalf or at Paya’s request, may, without notice to Merchant, apply deposits in the Reserve Account against any outstanding amounts Merchant owes under this Agreement or any other agreement between Merchant and Bank or Paya. Paya or Bank may exercise their rights under this Agreement to collect any amounts due to Bank or Paya including, without limitation, rights of set-off and recoupment. Merchant shall have no right to withdraw funds or debit the Reserve Account. In the event of a bankruptcy proceeding, Bank and Paya may exercise their rights under this Agreement to debit the Reserve Account for amounts due Bank and Paya regardless of the pre- petition or post-petition nature of the amount due Bank and/or Paya. In the event of a bankruptcy proceeding, Merchant also agrees that it will not contest any Motion for Relief from the Automatic Stay, which Bank and Paya may file to debit the Reserve Account. As set forth in Section 5.02, funds in the Reserve Account will remain in the Reserve Account for a minimum of 270 days following termination. Bank will have sole control of the Reserve Account. In the event of a bankruptcy proceeding, Bank and Paya do not consent to the assumption of this Agreement. Nevertheless, if this Agreement is assumed Merchant agrees that, in order to establish adequate assurance of future performance within the meaning of 11 U.S.C. Sec. 365, as amended from time to time, Merchant must establish or maintain a Reserve Account in an amount satisfactory to Bank and Paya; (c) Bank and Paya have the right of recoupment and set-off. This means that they may offset any outstanding/uncollected amounts owed to them from: (i) any amounts they would otherwise be obligated to deposit into the Account, and (ii) any other amounts Paya and Bank may owe Merchant under this Agreement or any other agreement; (d) The rights conferred upon Bank and Paya in this Section are not intended to be exclusive of each other or of any other rights and remedies of Bank and Paya under this Agreement, at law or in equity. Rather, each and every right of Bank and Paya at law or in equity will be cumulative and concurrent and in addition to every other right.
Third Parties. (a) Merchant may be using special services or software provided by a third party to assist Merchant in processing Transactions , including authorizations and settlements, or accounting functions. Merchant is responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of any third party in using their products. This includes making sure Merchant has and complies with any software updates. Paya and Bank have no responsibility for any transaction until that point in time Paya receives data about the transaction; (b) Merchant will notify Paya immediately if Merchant decides to use electronic authorization or data capture terminals or software provided by any entity other than Paya or its authorized designee (“third party terminals”) to process Transactions. If Merchant elects to use third party software or terminals, Merchant agrees (i) the third party providing the software or terminals will be Merchant’s agent in the delivery of Transactions to Bank via Visa Net or a similar data processing system or network; and (ii) to assume full responsibility and liability for any failure of that third party to comply with the Rules or this Agreement. Neither Bank nor Paya will be responsible for any losses or additional fees incurred by Merchant as a result of any error by a third-party agent or a malfunction in a third party’s software or terminal.
day period, Paya and Bank will be entitled to investigate the asserted error, and Merchant will not incur any cost or expense in connection with the asserted error without notifying Paya; (e) Merchant will indemnify and hold Paya and Bank harmless for any action they take against the Account pursuant to this Section. Merchant will also indemnify and hold harmless the institution at which Merchant maintains the Account for acting in accordance with any instruction from Bank or Paya regarding the Account. This Section will survive termination of this Agreement; (f) Merchant authorizes Bank and Paya to initiate debit/credit entries to the Account, as the Account may be changed from time to time, and to any other account maintained by Merchant at any institution that is a receiving bank of ACH, all in accordance with this Agreement. In the event Merchant changes the Account, Merchant will notify Paya, with a copy to Bank, and this authorization will apply to the new Account. This authorization will be effective until both: (i) Paya and Bank have received written notification from Merchant terminating this authorization, and (ii) all obligations of Merchant to Paya and Bank have been paid in full. Merchant will provide to Paya and Bank a voided Account check and will fill in the Account numbers on the Application.
Costs. Merchant will be liable for and will indemnify and reimburse Paya and Bank for all costs paid or incurred by Paya or Bank in the enforcement of this Agreement, including but not limited to attorneys’ and investigators’ fees, or in collecting any amounts due from Merchant or resulting from any breach by Merchant of this Agreement.
If to Paya: Paya, Inc. 303 Perimeter Center North, Suite 600 Atlanta, GA 30346 USAAttn: Chief Financial Officer |
If to Bank: Citizens Bank, N.A., One Citizens Drive, Riverside, Rhode Island 02915Attn: Customer Service |
If to Merchant, by overnight courier or email to the address specified in the Application or via email to the contact listed on the Application. A written notice shall also be deemed sent by Paya and received by Merchant if the notification is given to Merchant: (i) through a platform used by Merchant to access its account(s); or (ii) by way of any periodic statement sent to Merchant, whether such statement is sent via a platform, electronically, by commercial courier, mail or email. Merchant consents to the written or electronic provision of all notices and other communications required or permitted to be given under this Agreement from Paya, including any notices and other communications required to be provided to Merchant under applicable law. Merchant will need a computer or mobile device, internet connectivity, and an updated browser to access any platform used by Merchant to access its account(s) and review the notices and other communications provided to Merchant. .
Attorneys’ Fees. Merchant will be liable for and will indemnify and reimburse bank and/or Paya for all attorneys' fees and other costs and expenses paid or incurred by Bank and/or Paya in the enforcement of this Agreement, or in collecting any amounts due from merchant to Bank and/or Paya or resulting from any breach by Merchant of this Agreement.
Card Acceptance Agreement; and (ii) American Express will determine the pricing and other fees payable by Merchant under the Card Acceptance Agreement; (b) Merchant’s participation in the OptBlue Program is subject to the approval of American Express. Merchant authorizes Paya and/or its affiliates to submit Transactions to, and receive settlement on such Transactions from, American Express on behalf of Merchant; (c) Merchant shall not assign to any third party any payments due to it for American Express Card Transactions, and all indebtedness arising from such Transactions will be for bona fide sales of goods and services (or both) at its business locations and free of liens, claims, and encumbrances other than ordinary sales taxes; provided, however, that Merchant may sell and assign future receivables to Paya, its affiliated entities and/or any other cash advance funding source that partners with Paya or its affiliated entities; (d) American Express shall have third-party beneficiary rights, but not obligations, to enforce the terms of this Agreement applicable to American Express Card acceptance against Merchant; (e) Merchant may opt out of accepting American Express Cards under this Agreement by providing 30 days’ notice to Paya without directly or indirectly affecting its rights to accept other Payment Brand Cards; (f) Except as provided in Section 7.08(g), Paya may disclose to American Express information regarding Merchant and Merchant’s Transactions to American Express, and American Express may use such information to (i) perform its responsibilities in connection with American Express Card acceptance, (ii) promote American Express, (iii) perform analytics and create reports, and (iv) for any other lawful business purposes, including commercial marketing communications purposes within the parameters of American Express Card acceptance, and to provide important transactional or relationship communications from American Express. American Express may also use such information about Merchant obtained in connection with this Agreement at the time of setup to screen and/or monitor Merchant in connection with American Express marketing and administrative purposes; (g) Merchant may opt-out of receiving American Express commercial marketing communications about products and services by selecting the opt-out option on its application or subsequently by providing written notice to its primary relationship contact at Paya. Merchant may continue to receive such communications from American Express after opting out while American Express updates its records to reflect Merchant’s opt-out choice; and (h) Merchant may not bill or attempt to collect from any Cardholder for any American Express Transaction unless a Chargeback has been exercised, Merchant has fully paid for such Chargeback, and it otherwise has the right to do so.
(4) use all means available to Merchant to detect and prevent fraudulent Transactions, including those required under the Merchant Agreement, in addition to the Fraud Mitigation Service, and will not rely on the Fraud Mitigation Service as a fraud prevention guarantee.
BEHAVIOR, NEGLIGENCE, OR FOR ANY OTHER CAUSE OF ACTION; and (5) Use of non-personally identifiable information. Merchant agrees that Paya may disclose or use any data or information relating to Fraud Mitigation Service, or information in its aggregate form that Paya acquires in the course of providing the Fraud Mitigation Service, but only if the information does not contain any personally identifiable information.
Force Majeure. The delay or inability of party to perform its obligations hereunder when required (other than Merchant’s
payment obligations) if caused by events of Force Majeure, as defined herein, shall not constitute a breach or default, and shall not subject such party to liability to any other party so long as such Force Majeure event exists. Force Majeure events shall include, without limitation, civil disturbances, epidemics, natural disasters, wars, acts of terrorism, acts of God, economic downturn and all other such events outside the control of the parties that make it impossible for one party to comply with its obligations hereunder.
General. If any provision of this Agreement is illegal or unenforceable, the invalidity of that provision will not affect any of the remaining provisions and this Agreement will be construed as if the illegal provision is not contained in the Agreement. Merchant is responsible for its employees’ actions while in its employ. The parties do not intend to confer any benefits on any person or entity other than Merchant, Bank and Paya. Article I, Sections 3.02, 3.04, Article V, Article VI, Article VII, and any other provision that by their nature should survive termination will survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.